Motus RX PT

Learn More About Motus Rx Physical Therapy

We love to help people keep active and mobile so they can do all the things that they enjoy without the worry that their pain will return.

After moving back to the Appleton area, Motus RX owner Eric Wallace began working in a private practice alongside a chiropractor and was responsible for setting up the insurance contracts and the marketing for the physical therapy side of the clinic, but he found that there were some aspects of the profession that he did not love.  

Eric found that insurance companies were often dictating and driving a lot of care decisions that had to be made, and doing everything that they possibly could to not have to support or reimburse claims for people. 

So while Eric really enjoyed the private practice aspect, and having more of an entrepreneurial drive, there were certain aspects such as the involvement with insurance companies that he did not want to participate in.  

With this in mind, Eric sought to branch out to a similar version of this, albeit without the involvement of insurance companies. This meant that he would be able to help active people the way that he felt was necessary and beneficial to them, providing good care and achieving good outcomes, but not necessarily have insurance dictating care, which he felt were placing a barrier to, or sometimes even eliminating positive results.

Want Help to Decide if Physio is Right For You?

Are you unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a PT before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form.
If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our Discovery sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.

So while Eric really enjoyed the private practice aspect, and having more of an entrepreneurial drive, there were certain aspects such as the involvement with insurance companies that he did not want to participate in.  

With this in mind, Eric sought to branch out to a similar version of this, albeit without the involvement of insurance companies. This meant that he would be able to help active people the way that he felt was necessary and beneficial to them, providing good care and achieving good outcomes, but not necessarily have insurance dictating care, which he felt were placing a barrier to, or sometimes even eliminating positive results. 

Motus RX began with the primary idea of helping people, only this time it would be out of network with all insurances. That way Motus could dictate what type of care the individual would get, and care decisions would therefore be made between the therapist and the patient, rather than an insurance provider across the country with no context or knowledge of who the patient is, what their issue is and what is needed to help them achieve optimal results and goals.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

With this approach, patients are provided with options and flexibility. If you only want to be seen for pain relief, we at Motus RX can see you just for pain relief. If you want to work on pro activity and performance enhancement, Motus RX can do that with you too.  

We are able to do more wellness-based treatments that a lot of insurance-based companies typically won’t or don’t because they are not going to be covered.  

In our process with our patients, we’re able to take them A to Z, get them rehab, get them out of pain, but also take it to the next step with proactivity and keeping individuals well, which is ultimately what a lot of healthcare is currently not doing.  

Eric’s goals with Motus was to take a sledgehammer to that traditional model of medical care, and give people a better option for care, rather than just getting back to whatever an insurance company says is appropriate for them.

Are you unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a PT before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form!

*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our Discovery sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.

Modus RX started in February 2016, with Eric working as a solo practitioner, doing everything from physical therapy treatment to admin work such as answering the phone and carrying out the sales and marketing tasks. 

However, he soon realized that as a solo practitioner, he was only able to help so many individuals. Therefore, in order to help more people, as well as offer wellness services and other things beneficial to patient care, he has since grown Motus to six members of staff, which includes people working in the fields of physical therapy and rehab, occupational therapy, massage therapy, and performance and fitness coaching. This range of disciplines allows Motus to work on not only getting people well, but keeping them well and helping them to achieve and thrive, moving thoughtlessly and fearlessly.  

This is where Motus is at today, and we hope to continue this vision well into the future, providing the Fox Valley with the utmost care. 

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

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