Motus RX PT

Get Relief From Foot & Ankle Pain In Appleton WI

“We help people in the Fox valley relieve foot and ankle pain so that they can MOVE CONFIDENTLY, FEEL YOUNG WITHOUT MEDICATIONS OR SURGERIES, and get back to DOING THE THINGS THEY LOVE”

At Motus RX, we are experts dealing with foot and ankle issues.  

With a lot of foot and ankle issues, we see runners and athletes in particular. You might have sprains of the ankle, plantar fasciitis and achilles tendonitis. These issues are big things for our runners and sprinters. Alternatively, you might have something like shin splints, or other more overuse type injuries.  

One thing in common though is that we active people and runners do not like to be told to stop, or to shut it down, as this causes us to miss out on the activities we love. 

For patients with foot and ankle pain, we’re trying to get a good, thorough understanding in our initial evaluation to understand why the pain is happening, and to see whether or not they really have to stop or deload.

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foot pain relief at motus rx pt

But that’s the first key: getting to the root source of why it’s happening. A lot of these individuals will find that they may have mobility issues at their ankle, or they have a weakness up the chain that is affecting what happens when their foot hits the ground.  

At Motus RX, our job is to identify those areas and work on them. First of all, we work to ‘put the fire out’ and deal with any pain that we have to. This is typically done by techniques such as dry needling, especially with a lot of tendonitis and plantar fasciitis diagnoses. 

Commonly, we work on loosening up things like stiff joints or a stiff ankle, along with various parts of the foot, as well as loosening a lot of calf tightness. We’re doing any strategy we need to do to help improve range of motion, mobility, and flexibility, and then giving you the tools to work on that on your own.  

This way, as you’re trying to manage your activity levels, you have the information and tools necessary to help recover properly, and make sure the time between their activity is used efficiently and used wisely.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

Once we have the pain reduced, and range of motion, mobility and flexibility is restored at the foot and ankle, along with anywhere else that’s necessary, we then work on strength.  

A lot of foot and ankle issues happen because the foot and the surrounding tissues can’t tolerate the stresses that are being placed on them.  

Therefore, we are building more of a working capacity for these individuals, which means that they will be able to take on more stress and take on more repetitive load through strength training, allowing the tissues to become more resilient. That is the third and final stage of our approach at Motus.  

Once an individuals’ feet and ankles are able to take on more stress, then we give all of the tools to take that and become independent with it, eventually returning to sports and activities without the injury reoccurring.  

At Motus RX, one of our main goals, particularly with lower body injuries, is that we want to ensure that the injury doesn’t reoccur. We don’t want patients to return months later and be all the way back at square one, so helping people become independent with their situation is really important for foot and ankle injuries. 

Are you unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a PT before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form!

*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our Discovery sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.

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