Motus RX PT

Specialist Golf Fitness & Rehabilitation Services

We Help Golfers of ALL LEVELS build bogey free backs and bodies so they can CRUSH THE BALL off the tee and stay PAIN FREE!

At Motus RX, we are the Fox Valley’s only golf-specific rehab and performance facility, and what that means for golfers is that if you have a golf specific injury, whether it be back, hip, shoulder, or anything else, we can help you get back to the course quicker and actually improve. 

Our approach will not only get you back to the green and get out of pain, but improve your swing mechanics, improve your distance, improve your swing speed, and improve your consistency of contact.

A lot of individuals find that when they have a pain or injury, there’s a specific reason why the golf swing was causing that pain. Once we can identify that, not only do we help people get out of pain, but we also help them perform a lot better at their sport.

If you want to know what it costs – and what availability we have, then please just click the button above and complete the short form.

golf fitness, rehabilitation at motus rx physical therapy
golf fitness at motus rx pt

Much like a lot of our other active individuals, golfers do not like to be told that they have to shut it down or stop playing altogether. Juniors are playing in big competitions that they need to be prepared for, which are important for not only their present, but potentially their future too. A lot of our amateurs have leagues, or they have men’s night or women’s night and they don’t want to miss out on playing, or on the social aspect of the game. 

If you lose out on that, it makes for an unhappy individual. At Motus RX, we completely understand why, so we make every effort to help you stay on the course and not have to miss time. We rehab any injuries that you might have, getting to the root source of them but also help you with your performance, which can mean anything from just feeling better while you play, to hitting the ball farther, to having a more repeatable consistent contact, and all the way to simply being able to play a lot of golf over a period of time.  

If you’re having pain and you have to miss time, Motus RX can help you get back quicker. Maybe you’re not having pain, but you’re not really happy about what the scorecard is saying. We can work with you to identify some of the things that are going to help lower that scorecard. We can help you hit the ball farther, or have a more repeatable and consistent swing.

If you’re not quite ready to book an appointment yet and have some questions you would like answered first, click the link below to complete a form to get the conversation started.

We have a lot of great different options available to golfers. If you’re more in a rehab situation, you’re probably going to be coming into the clinic and getting more one-on-one in-person care, but we also have a lot of different online opportunities for people to work on their golf performance and their golf fitness, including group classes and seminars.  

We have all sorts of different options for golfers. Whether you’re local or whether you’re in another state, we can help you with your rehab, your fitness, and your performance.  

Motus RX’s experience with working with golfer spans from the PGA tour pros and major champions all the way down to eight-year-olds that are just learning the game. We are able to help you no matter the level of play.

Are you unsure if physical therapy is right for you? Would you prefer to talk with a PT before making a decision? All you have to do is click the link below to fill out a simple form!

*Note: there is no treatment given at one of our Discovery sessions. It’s for you to ask us more questions and for us to confirm whether or not we think we can help you.

At Motus RX, our golf evaluation system is quite different and unique to what you might get somewhere else. If you’re having pain or injury, or you’re not happy with where the ball ends up, there’s probably something happening in the swing.  

We have a three-part evaluation at Motus RX where we look at how you move specifically to golf. We do a golf-specific movement screening to identify within a swing where you should be mobile, but might not be, and where you should be strong and stable, but might not be. This makes up the first piece of the triangle.  

The second piece is we do video analysis. This involves a down the line and a front on swing analysis through 2D video, where we will help you identify any swing characteristics that you might be having that are creating pain and inconsistencies.  

The third and final piece is that we have a 3D swing analysis. During the 3D swing analysis, we wire you up with wireless sensors, which provides us with body data relative to your golf swing to tell us not only where you are at different parts of the swing, but allows us to determine if your swing efficient or not. 

It tells us over a span of time what part of your body is doing relative to another part, which is very important for the swing sequence of golf and how you’re transferring energy through your body.   

In summary, our physical screening tells us why you like to swing the way you swing. The 2D video analysis just tells us how you’re currently swinging and helps us identify what’s what. The final 3D swing analysis basically tells us if your swing is efficient or not.   

The three-part assessment that we put our golfers through at Motus RX is a robust way to analyze the golf swing and help you with any pain or performance problems that you’re having.

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